Past Event

May 13 2005
Rosemont Theatre
Rosemont, Illinois


Sammy Hagar and The Wabos.


Show 8:00PM.



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 1  Redhead Comment

admin's picture


Hello Redheads,

Just got back from the show and wanted to share with you the evenings events. The Rosemont Theater holds a special place in my heart. The last time that Sammy had played there he had given me my life back and my world had changed for the better and it was 4 days before everyone’s world had changed for it was four days before 911. As we all know going to see Sammy play and the rituals involved from the pre parties, remembering to bring cameras and sharpies and the mindset of just “Sammy” keeps us REDheads going when at times when we go see Sammy our lives might not be the greatest. For 3 hours Sammy takes us to the place where he renews our spirituality and plays the songs that are the soundtracks to our lives.

First the pre party Met Debbie from OK, Nancy and Nik all cool people, the Teri, Joni, Linda 2 and Tom and the dude from Cleveland it was cool to hang out with you all.

So on with the show I loved his Karma set Serious juju followed by When the hammer then my song Give to Live. Standing on top of the World I got a wink from Vic.....funny moment when the Tres Los set started Sammy and mike where ready to toast with David and David gave a drink to someone and Sammy kicked David in the ass. They did RR weekend. Overall a great set band sound great cause I was by the speakers all night. There was a little kid next to us and he had his headphones and Sammy saw him and signed his hat. As for me I tossed my shirt to Sammy and he kept missing it and I kept getting it back so I tossed it and someone handed to and it got singed but I didnt get it back till Debbie saw talking to security THANK YOU DEBY FOR GETTING MY SHIRT BACK!!! Then at the end of mas tequlia he starts coming over to our side and signs stuff I hold out the shirt he sees it and is mouthing something to me a gave a 2 fingered kiss and he gave one back. I will admit that I did feel like I was in Cabo. So I wanted to give a better post but sometimes my journalism degree gets the better of me.

Thanks Sammy and the Wabos for “Taking us there” where ever there is for us REDheads on any given night when we see you play.

Peace, Love and Happiness to all

Jan (Be yourself youre like no one else)