"Are We Having Any Fun Yet?" Autographed Book Giveaway!
September 17, 2015
Aren’t You Having Any Fun Yet?! Share a recipe that defines your lifestyle!! Send us the photos of your dish and even your favorite drink pairing! You can send your photos to [email protected] and post them to social media with the tag #AWHAFY for a chance to win. Sammy will pick 10 of his favorites and you’ll recieve a signed copy of the new book! Submissions end Oct. 2nd
More info on the book at http://www.redrocker.com/arewehavinganyfunyet
1 Redhead Comment
yeah read some parts of the book Emeril,SAM,MOM beans,the drink info the country roads of cabo area, was listen to computer at the same time, hope get into reading more without music. i love the book already.