Asking for a litte Redlove my friends!! Please take a minute to read...

March 03, 2013 by 302_Boss_Chick
Asking for a litte Redlove my friends!!  Please take a minute to read...
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I am posting this on behalf of my good friend and fellow Redhead Ron Crowe and his great-niece Jessica who you see pictured with Sammy above. There is a link at the end of this post that I'd like you to take a moment to visit to read about Jessica's story. I know Ron is too modest to come here and ask for help, but he's such a great guy and we've already received such a huge Redhead response over on Facebook, I thought I'd come here and spread the word for him.

Jessica has been having ongoing battles with a serious medical condition and recently had one of her worst experiences yet and is still struggling. I know everyone here is gearing up for all the fun at Cinco De Tahoe, but I've always been so amazed at the family mentality of us Redheads that I just know there are some of you out there that can lend a hand.

If you can't donate anything at all, we completely understand. If that's the case, maybe you could at least try to help us get the word out and see if we can't reach as many people as possible with Jessica's story and try to get her some much needed help.

If you've just booked a flight and a hotel room in Tahoe, then I KNOW you have at least five or ten bucks to donate to help out one of our Redhead brothers and his family. You can donate anonymously if you prefer, and even small amounts are a big help.

The biggest thing that has amazed me in my few short years as a member of this huge Redhead family, is how anyone who has been touched by Sammy and his music and his love for his fans, is so willing to share that love and positive energy with people they sometimes have never even met.

So for anyone who is reading this, please do your best to share the love and spread the word. I feel that those of use who are fortunate enough to not have health issues and the ensuing financial burden that comes with it have a responsibility to do what we can to help those who struggle with these problems in life. Conversely, anyone who HAS had to struggle with similar problems should be able to sympathize with someone like Jessica and her family. Donate if you are able, and if you can't, just tell even one person so we can try to help out this wonderful young lady. Karma will thank you.

Thanks for reading everyone, Redheads are the best extended family anyone could ask for. Love you all!! ♥

Peace!! ~Stefani ♪♫♪♫

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 1  Redhead Comment

Blue Jean Juliet's picture

Thank you Stef. YOU are a RED angel.

Please donate and share! I believe just knowing how much people care will be good medicine for all.

Share the love and light.