June 4 Tucson Show

June 03, 2011 by 40 beans

Does anyone know the schedule for the June 4 show?
My daughter (who is a big Sammy fan) has a playoff game starting at 8pm on the far east side of town. Game will end at 9:30pm and I hope to be at AVA at 10pm. We are hoping to catch the encore and a little bit of the main show. My daughter is bummed, but if they win, they play for the city championship the next morning.
Anyway, have a great show Sam and Tucson make sure to ROCK Sammy & the Wabos HARD!

Well, all did not end well.
First of all my daughter (Vanessa) lost her game, 9-1.
We caught every red light going across town and did not arrive to the venue until 10:15pm.
The security guards hassled us trying to get in the venue, (saying that it was too late and that the show was over). But we could hear Sammy on stage. So we went ahead and parked anyway and walked in just as he started singing "Margaritaville", good version. Then he played 55, another good version, but then the show ended. As we walked out my daughter lost it and started to cry. I told her that we would catch Sam some other time.
Anyway, I hope everyone else had a good time. At least it was good to see Sammy and the Wabos for at least 10 minutes. Love you Sam, until next time. Beans.

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