Redraw for tickets question?

July 24, 2017 by Bassassassin

Greetings All
Does anyone know if those who won tickets, are put back in for the draws for subsequent shows after the Aug 7th deadline? Had my name pulled for the first show and just wondering if there's a chance that we may get another shot at nights 2, 3 and 4? Just trying to figure travel plans.

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 9  Redhead Comments

Carla1lips's picture

I would like just 2 tickets for one night . Hope I get them in Round two. I don't need tickets for all four nights.

danb030's picture

When is the internet sale going to be?

redrocker327's picture

Do you need a guest? I have an AUTOGRAPHED Sammy Bobblehead to trade to you.

kencobra's picture

Brando, I like your thoughts and hope Sammy and all have something up their sleeve :)

monicacrimi's picture

Is is true that if it is your actual birthday and you at the venue you and a guest will be let in? :)

10steve10's picture

I like the way you think. FDIC 2017

monicacrimi's picture

Is is true that if it is your actual birthday and you at the venue you and a guest will be let in? :)

no55brando's picture

"Any tickets not purchased by this deadline will be returned into a final pool of tickets that will be available in a traditional first-come, first serve, public on-sale date to be announced." sounds FISHY..... First time they did this on internet the server crashed, if I recall.. Maybe "traditional" means walk up and buy tickets in Cabo day of show at the supposed 20k person venue??? Maybe lottery winners are in a vip type section up front or something?? Just a speculation, or a DREAM... Peace Love and Hairgrease, adios, Brando...

redrocker327's picture

The plan is to do an internet sale on the unclaimed/forfeited tickets mot another drawing.