Celebrating my 40th with Sammy this year!

July 14, 2010 by brownwolfe

At midnight on Sammy's birthday...it will be MY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope I can get a picture with him!

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 4  Redhead Comments

beckzet's picture

Hope you are having a great time on your 40th Birthday, Melissa! Happy Birthday to you!

brownwolfe's picture

So what do you think the chances are of Sammy giving me a free pass into the show on the 13th? I mean, it WILL be my birthday at midnight after all. LOL! I'm so gonna try it!

debrlaing's picture

I'll be celebrating my 40th too along with Sammy's birthday! Should be fun!!!

hairyboy's picture

my 40th is also this year, in September...my birthday preset to myself is a trip to Cabo for the bash (from Sydney Australia). happy birthday to you for Oct 13.i hope you get your birthday wish photo. all the best. Hairy.