
August 15, 2016 by busterboy1

Hope to win the second round drawing. Come on Sammy I have been trying for years where's the love man!

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 17 Redhead Comments

waterwoman's picture

I have an extra ticket for show #4. Want to trade - only 1 ticket - for show #2. My birthday is October 9. Keeping second 10/13 ticket. Respond here or email: [email protected].

SmylDoc422's picture

We struck out on tickets

SmylDoc422's picture

We struck out on tickets:-( Does anyone know how the dinner tickets work? My brother got tickets for one night so my husband and I would still try to like to go to the show...

mmaines's picture

Rec'd the email at 12:18 we are in for Oct 7th, so excited. We are representing N.Y. Sammy. See you soon.

debrac066's picture

2nd chance lottery has shown me zip ..............................
I am so bummed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SmylDoc422's picture

We struck out on tickets:-( Does anyone know how the dinner tickets work?? My brother got tickets for one of the nights and my husband and I still want to try to go to the show.

SmylDoc422's picture

We struck out on tickets:-( Does anyone know how the line for the dinner tickets work? My brother got tickets for one of the nights and my husband and I would like to try to go too...

SmylDoc422's picture

We struck out on tickets:-( Does anyone know how the line for the dinner tickets work? My brother got tickets for one of the nights and my husband and I would like to try to go too...

teepee's picture

Got an email at 910pm PT as a 2nd chance winner for tickets to night 4....

music69's picture

A fan on one of the Facebook groups said she emailed red rocker info.. They replied to her saying tickets will be drawn tonight. Good luck everyone and don't forget to check your spam box too. Fingers crossed!!

briand1023's picture

When is the drawing. Hope to get a pair!

Cabo Eric's picture

My fingers are crossed, I got shows last year in the second chance drawing. Right now I am having Dreams of Hot Summer Nights down in Cabo!

Kimnmike31's picture

We won second chance last year and it came late.
Already have night 4 hoping for another night but don't want to be greedy.

10steve10's picture

I won 2nd round tix last year and didn't get the email until the late evening.

rachelc097's picture

I keep watching for post if the drawing was done! Have not seen any.

MacerStone's picture

Where's the link?

FrankiBlueEyes's picture

You're killing us here! Whats the hold up? Has anyone heard anything yet?