Time to sell something!

September 21, 2012 by cabowabodunc

I am desperate for tickets for the Birthday Bash
We land in cabo from Manchester, England in 2 weeks time and still have no tickets..

i am now at the point of desperation where i will have to consider selling one of the below to get a ticket....

1. Selling a kidney. so i can pay someone an extortionate amount of $'s on the street for a ticket on the day.

2. selling my soul to the devil.

3. Selling my wife. (she is not keen on the idea) but WTF it's his 65th and i'm desperate!!

Please reply with your opinion on the best thing to sell or any other suggestions.. or with TICKETS!!!!!!

x much love to all redheads x


[email protected]

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 2  Redhead Comments

lindat018's picture

ADLN (Amigo de los Ninos non-profit) is having the usual B/D Bash events. Oct. 10th is the Redhead's Booze Cruise and on Oct. 12th the Beach Party at Tabasco’s with silent auction. They will also have a raffle for show tickets on the 7th and 9th at 3pm at Baja Peppers in the Mar De Cortez. Good Luck to all! spread the word about the events!

debrac066's picture

Oh my god thats so funny,i laughed out loude ; )
good one !,redlove debbie