Should be a better way to get tickets.

August 05, 2013 by Chowderhouse

Bummed I wish I knew the secret to the ticket process, Oh well I will be enjoying Cabo at that time anyway. Have fun to the folks who got the Tix.

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The plot thickens. First I went on to register for tickets @10:05am the first available day then I could not access the proper area, then called the provided number and was walked through by a rep who said I was all registerered and good to go. Now here comes the E-mail for the second chance drawing, it says to click the link to verify your E-mail address for past transactions and I put in every available option such as past 7 days, past 30 days, 2013 etc and it shows no transactions so it looks like I was not registered at all. Is there anybody I can speak to or any place I can go to at least be entered for the drawing. I understand the set up is to try to be fair and give people equal chances for tickets but this is not good, maybe a verification that you are actually in the drawing would be a good thing just sayin.