Meet & Greet Request

May 07, 2017 by CraigDowntown

Hey man. Been in the R&R scene for many years. As a promoter and a fan. Booked alot of em, met alot of em. Not a big deal. But I've wanted to meet the Red Rocker for many years now. Even more so, now that I have been watching AXS Tv. Much, much respect. Going to see The Circle on Sept. 25. I would be honored, and grateful to have an opportunity to shake your hand and have a photo. It would be most humbling. I can be reached via email. [email protected] Cheers, Sammy. -Craig

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 2  Redhead Comments

Jennifer74's picture

Out of sincerity, what's the odds of Sammy actually seeing and reading this?

Jennifer74's picture

I will be attending his show down in St. Augustine this fall and was wondering how I could meet him also. Like you, I've been a long time fan and would be absolutely ecstatic to get to meet him and give him a hug for providing the soundtrack to some really great memories in my life. His humbleness and sincerity are the cornerstone to which I strive to be each and every day!!