BDay Bash

July 13, 2010 by exsell2112

My wife and I were lucky enough to see Sammy at the Cabowabo in February of '06 during Valentines Week. It was an impromptu show that I will never forget. We are going to be in Cabo for the BDay Bash. I have never been at this time. Is it really a "sleep in the street" to get tickets proposition to get tickets?

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 8  Redhead Comments

exsell2112's picture

Hey patrick, Last question and I will quit bugging you. So the bday bash ticket prices are out. Are you going? I'm going to try to get tickets. Do you know anything about the Dinner. I know it's $90, but does it get you a seat up close?

Thanks dude.

exsell2112's picture

Sweet! Thanks for the info. Think I will buy tickets for one night and try to get in line for another. I can't wait.

patrickv005's picture

You don't have to stay in the bar all day. You get in line for tickets ( about 5 to 6 hrs)the morning before the show. Then go to your hotel and crash, then come back at about 6pm and get in line for the show. It makes for one really long day but is worth it.

exsell2112's picture


so when you got in line, did you get a "wristband?" Sammy's latest on the bash is that he will sell tickets, and one could still stand in line for a wristband. If one has a wristband, then could he go back to the resort and show up for he show later? I'm thinking of buying tickets for one show, then standing in line for another as I will be down there from the 8th - 15th. TIA for the advice.

exsell2112's picture

So did you stand in line for "give away" tickets, or just to get in and stay-in. In other words, once your in,you can't leave, because the bar only holds 1000 people? All day in a bar? Very dangerous for me. I'd want to remember the show.

Redlover's picture

Sammy wants to know how we feel about the way they do the shows in Cabo!

You can send Sammy and the Team an email or tell Sammy your ideas and read other Redheads' comments on this topic HERE:

Crewe's picture

pretty much, unless you get a line on when the dinner tickets are sold, if they are still doing that. I didnt go last year so I dont know.
But yea, sleeping in the street is the best way. People that show up early in the morning are risking it. ive known many that tried that and didnt get in.
Its not so bad. Bring an inflatable chair or mattress and hang out with the redheads. Its a lot of fun.

patrickv005's picture

Most people sleep in the street. I've managed to go three times and have gotten in line at 4:00am twice. My first time, I got into line at 6:00am and was just the 30th person there. But, that was right after a hurricane had hit the region and the town was a bit torn up.....sometime around 2000.

He's only putting on 4 concerts this year. Last year was 5 with Chickenfoot being the other one. My advise, get there real early. If they charge for tickets, it may be an easier time of getting in.