Signed Sammy Rum Bottle

April 16, 2013 by jedi664
Signed Sammy Rum Bottle
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I have an extra signed bottle of Sammy's Beach Rum from BEVMO if anyone is interested.

Jeff D of Seattle got it!

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Signed Sammy Rum Bottle

 6  Redhead Comments

Blaze's picture

Just wanted to give a Big Redhead Thanks to another Redhead. MO will be in the mail this morning...

Later Jeff D

Mas Tequila my friend

FDIC 2013

jedi664's picture

Thanks everyone for the offers. I wish I had enough for everyone. However, Jeff D from Seattle is the lucky one this time. Rock On!

rockstar4966's picture

Sent you an offer too. Let us know. Thanks!

Mandy Buck's picture

I'll pay 40 for it!!! Email at [email protected] if interested.

Blaze's picture

E-mail sent to ya, give me a call...

jedi664's picture

will trade straight up for signed bottle of Cabo!!!

punkin's picture

hey Jedi664's im very interested !! $25