I Heart radio show in Burbank, CA

May 10, 2019 by mike szabo
I Heart radio show in Burbank, CA
My Cabo Wabo Cantina 55 sign

Hey Sammy,

My friend and I had an awesome time at the I Heart radio show in Burbank, CA, on 5/8/2019. Your new release of the songs on The Space Between was awesome! It was so cool thay you played some of your favorite songs, "5150", "Cant Drive 55", "Rock Candy" and many others. It was a great small venue, and Im glad you really liked to play there. I also wanted to find out if you recieved the Cabo Wabo Cantina sign I gave to your crew member Alistair after the show. When you get it can you post a photo of you with the sign? Looking forward to see you again at the HB beach party Sept.28th. Thanks again for a great performance with you and The Circle Band!

Mike Szabo

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 2  Redhead Comments

mike szabo's picture

Hi Sammy,

Im still waiting on getting my confirmation on my four VIP tickets for the the high tide beach party that your PR people promised me for the trade of my Cabo Wabo Cantina sign at the I heart radio show in Burbank.
Let me know the status on my tickets!


Mike Szabo

mike szabo's picture

How do I find out out about getting my four VIP lounge tickets for the HB beach party?