Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!

May 16, 2016 by sammyhagar
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
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Unbelievable what happened last night! Every artist brought it big time and the eclectic lineup that looked like it could be oil and water ended up being the friendliest lineup we've had so far. We all ended up going out to dinner afterwords and celebrating till the wee wee hours.

There was a time in the dressing room where John Mayer, James Hetfeld, Tommy Lee, Melissa and myself were just jamming and Melissa was trying to give me a back rub and a neck rub to relax me so I could sing better. I even got some voice coaching from her— HELLO!! While John was burning up the guitar, Tommy was beating on his knees with his hands and James and I were screaming our fucking lungs out like we always do. Magic magic magic! I feel like I made some new life-long friends last night on that stage and hopefully some fans as well. Maybe my favorite show in the last decade without a doubt!!

And what a special treat to have a legendary songwriter like Kris Kristofferson show up and at 80 years old willing to step out on the stage and contribute to the cause. It warmed my heart & brought tears to my eyes - even though I don't think any of us quite knew the song… next time we'll get a rehearsal on that baby!

Pat Monahan's “Purple Rain” had us all singing in the balcony with tears in our eyes. And seeing James with his daughter Cali again - so beautiful she's becoming a real singer!

See you all next year same time same place. PS. A total success in every respect thank you, thank you, thank you to the artists and the fans!

- Sammy


Check out more photos in the Facebook gallery and share your own on the event page.

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Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!
Acoustic 4 A Cure #3.. Unbelievable!