Sammy supports Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity

January 30, 2015 by sammyhagar
Sammy supports Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity
Ambassadors of Hope and Oppurtunity have an amazing team
More images are available below.

Recently, Kari and I attended the Ambassadors of Hope and Oppourtunity (AHO) "Youth Connect" event which provides a variety of services, clothing, and food for homeless youth in Marin County. 

It's hard to believe in a community like Marin County there are homeless kids in the streets -- it's a serious problem around the country that I'm just becoming aware of.

So, Kari and I, through the Hagar Family Foundation, are finding ways to help support these types of shelters. I want to thank Neal Schon for jumping right in there with me, with a match to our grant campaign!


A HUGE THANKS to all of you who reached out and showed your support for Ambassadors Of Hope And Opportunity last week. They surpassed their $20,000 goal for a grand total of $31,312!!! Woohoo!

[Webmaster Note]

AHO still needs to raise $6,855 by the end of this month to complete their $20,000 Challenge Grant! If you are in a position to donate, please visit their website at the link below and click on the paypal donate button on their homepage.



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Sammy supports Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity
Sammy supports Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity
Sammy supports Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity
The whole team of Youth Leaders at AHO

 2  Redhead Comments

james michael stivers's picture

sammy hagar-you are such an amazing person-out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks and like everything else in life-sammy kicks it up a notch-talks the talk and walks the walk-simply put-simply amazing-sammy hagar rocks !!!

jasonr022's picture

Sammy you do allot for people who just need a hand up sometimes, that's why you have been so blessed.
There is a local Homeless shelter near our home and we send them what we can every winter Around Christmas time. The Haven House in Hamilton, Ohio
They only take families in with kids to help. That's the ones I feel sorry for the most is the kids!!! They didn't ask to be brought in to this world, or live on the streets either.

Thanks Sammy for what you do!!!!