Starkey Foundation event in Vegas

January 24, 2016 by sammyhagar
Starkey Foundation event in Vegas
Playing with Vic at the Cosmopolitan
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It was a three day event Bill Clinton, George Bush Junior, Mark Cuban all spoke and I performed the The final night which was last night. I believe they were 5000 employees from around the world that were treated by Starkey hearing aids to this event. The Circle crushed it.

This is the same company I put hearing aids and kids ears in Cabo last year I came home tonight so I can make the solar city protest event against electric companies.

After the private show for Starkey hearing foundation show in Vegas Vic and I went across the street to the Cabo Wabo and had some of the most amazing tacos and margaritas on the planet..

PS Jason the manager has a barrel of Sammys Beach Bar Rum that has been aging for nine weeks that is killing you can order it at the bar ask for the H Aged stuff!!!

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Starkey Foundation event in Vegas
Starkey Foundation event in Vegas
Jason killin it with the aged rum
Starkey Foundation event in Vegas

 1  Redhead Comment

Sgvine's picture

I was at the show Saturday for the Starkey Expo at the Cosmopolitan. Unbelievably Great Show! I hope I get the chance to go back in 2018 and have you play then too! Nice touch with the acoustic version of Dreams, it fit right in with the theme.