Taste of the first song "Trust Fund Baby" from the Circle's new album!

January 26, 2019 by sammyhagar
Taste of the first song "Trust Fund Baby" from the Circle's new album!

Here is a taste of the first song “Trust Fund Baby” from the Circle's new album “Space Between“... play it on whatever system suits you and crank it up, it fucking rocks like the rest of the album! #Enjoy #ItsBeenALongTime #FullCircle #ItsShowtime


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 2  Redhead Comments

wahoo-em's picture

Sammy's enthusiasim is always crazy-good!! Takes me about 3 cups of black coffee (or 6 shots of tequila at the Wabo) just to get on board that train. Hope to catch debut of the album in "Fres-berg".

the big D who loves sammy's picture

that song is fuckin great can't wait for the rest of the album. and a rock and roll road trip to st lou.