What time do people with tickets usually line up?

August 15, 2012 by scottys26

Been to the b-bash once before but couldn't get tickets. I was fortunate enough to score tickets to the October 9th show this year. I know doors open at 7:30 but what time do people usually start lining up to get a decent spot in the Cantina? Even if I am the last one in, will I have a decent chance of seeing Sammy on stage? Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

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 3  Redhead Comments

mrcubb10's picture

Scotty, we're from Streator, (an hour south of you) and we'll be staying at the RIU palace 6th-12. We got tix to the show on the 7th. I'm sure we'll cross paths somehwere in Cabo.

rc5150racing's picture

Last year we went to the show on the 7th and I think we were there about 1- 1 1/2 hours before it started. We were up pretty close, maybe 15 feet off the stage. The cantina fills up but I think anywhere in the house is a good time.

scottys26's picture

Thanks Doug. By the way, this is Scott from Chicago. Your FB friend who bought two 2nd row Hagar tickets off you years ago for the Chicago show in Tinley Park. I assume you're still heading to Cabo even though it sounds like you got shut out for tickets? I'm at the RIU Santa Fe October 6-12. I scored two tickets for the 9th show. As of now I have a buddy going but I'll let you know if anything changes and an extra ticket comes available. Face down in Cabo my friend.

CaboWaboGuy's picture

Some will line up as soon as you can get your wristbands, 2:00pm!
Doug aka "CWG"