Cabo Refunds

October 22, 2014 by stwrogers

Hello all. Just wondering about the refunds for those of us that had to miss the rescheduled Bday bash. Hated to miss it. I hear it went off! Anyway, we are going on 2 weeks so I wanted to see if there are any updates on the refunds.


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Getting in Touch

July 06, 2014 by stwrogers

Was fortunate to be chosen for bday bash tickets for 10/11!!! Thank you whoever is responsible! I have a question. Will be in Cabo with my wife and inlaws for their 45th anniversary. They actually won tickets for 10/13. Does anyone know if there's a way to trade with ppl returning tickets so that we could all 4 attend together? Would be great, but we are just PUMPED TO SEE THE RED ROCKER!!!!!!

Thanks a million, and can't wait!

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Birthday Bash Drawing

June 29, 2014 by stwrogers
Birthday Bash Drawing

Hey y'all!! Anxious to see the results of the Birthday Bash drawing. Did it already happen?

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